Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 3: Snow Day

Yesterday afternoon I bought Alex a grill to tell him "Happy Birthday, cook me some food." Unfortunately, after I single handedly assembled it, I realized it was too cold to grill as we have a SNOW DAY today!
So what does one do when one realizes that they have a free day? Get drunk, pitch a tent in the living room, and rent a zombie shoot-em-up of course.
Unfortunately, our resident evil had something to do with umbrellas, making it relatively lame.

No school today, so I play on face book. I found a program that lists my old statuses. Some of my favorites, I would like to share:

11.11.08 - "craves adventure"

1.17.09 - "Is certain'antique' spelled backwards is 'helicopter' "

8.28.09 - "hates walking into a bathroom that really smells awful, then walking out to find someone has been waiting to use it and now believes you bombed it."

12.17.09 - "feels like a piece of devils food cake possessed by asparagus demons."

12.22.09 - "Thinks 'Aciphex' sounds like something dirtier than heartburn medication."

12.27.09 - "Maybe he just needs some penicillin to cure that night blindness."

Now, friends, I am going to go enjoy my snow day. It's Alex's birthday, too, so maybe I will do something nice for him. If I scheme up something good, i'll post.

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