The best part about summer is the fresh flavors that food just HAS. Watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, berries, corn.... I love eating in the summer.
So last night's sashimi seemed an obvious choice for a summer evening, until that spinning ride at the carnival looked too fun. Well... so much for that. I won't go into details.
Speaking of the carnival and sushi, Alex and I won a blue-violet betta fish! I couldn't leave the poor fellow in that tiny, plain bowl he came in, so I went full-blown SpongeBob SquarePants for the guy. Alex and I thought it might be funny to name him GammaRay or make another pun based on the Latin alphabet. Suggestions?

Also, my auntie was planning on coming to town, so I decided to get creative and finish another painting. If you are asking yourself, "Gee, I wonder who posed...?!" then know this... it wasn't Alex (HA!) it was from a study I did in a college sketchbook. Auntie Jane showed up and was looking super foxy, she has been inspiring the rest of us to stick to a healthier lifestyle.
I have been spending most of the summer at home with my family. My mom has been helping me to not stress over the Gulf oil spill. We are still having our wedding in Orange Beach, AL come hell or high water (or crude oil). So to keep my mind off things, I took my niece to McDonalds to go play. You know they let adults in the PlayPlace?! Especially if you are chasing a 2 year old around it, nobody looks twice. Awesome! So for the first time in probably 20 years, I got to climb the spiral stairs in the fake tree, squeeze through plastic tubes, and slide down the spiral slide with Emma on my lap. I took a few choice pictures that I thought I might share from the play house :)

Emma kept saying, "Wizzie, Wizzie! come WITH me!" and I didn't know how to tell her no. And of course, my favorite shot was The
view from inside of the golden arches next to the American flag. You gotta kind of think to yourself, "Hell yeah, America. Hell. Yeah."
So anyway, Summer is in full-swing and with it comes the guilty pleasures. The more fun (read:trouble) I talk everyone around me into getting into, the better this blog will be. So... if you are reading and waiting for this normal day thing to be ironic again, agree to do something crazy with me.